
Cadeautips voor de Watch Collector

Heeft u iemand op uw lijst die is een horloge verzamelaar? Is het moeilijk om een ​​geweldig cadeau voor hem te vinden? Zijn de horloges hij moeilijk vindt om uit te vinden? Is het moeilijk om zijn stijl te raden? Zijn de horloges hij verzamelt uit uw prijsklasse? Heeft hij spotten met de consument rang horloges verkocht in de winkels? Heeft hij zet zijn neus op de quartz horloges die gewone stervelingen dragen? Heeft hij zoveel horloges die je bang bent voor iets wat hij al heeft het dupliceren van zijn? Nou, zorgen niet meer! Ik heb drie geweldig cadeau ideeën voor de moeilijk om te winkelen voor horloge collector op uw lijst.

Diplomaat Horloge Winder
1. Een horloge Winder. Automatische mechanische horloges zijn over het algemeen gewikkeld terwijl wordt gedragen door de drager. Echter, als u een verzameling hebt of u niet uw automatische horloge dragen elke dag of om de andere dag, zullen ze uiteindelijk stoppen en opnieuw moeten worden gewikkeld. U kunt echter een horloge winder dat de horloges vele malen elk uur of zo draaien te krijgen. Deze winden het horloge zodat het de tijd nauwkeurig te houden en klaar om te dragen. Horloge winders kan sterk variëren in prijs. Ik vond de mijne gebruikt in een tweedehands winkel voor ongeveer $ 20. Maar, nieuwe ze kunnen sterk variëren in prijs. Upscale kopers kunnen zelfs kopen vinden horloge winders in mahonie of andere edele houtsoorten.

2. Een Watch Box. Als uw favoriete horloge verzamelaar heeft meer quartz horloges die automaten of conventioneel wond handmatige horloges in zijn collectie, een mooi horloge box is een groot geschenk en een goede manier om een horloge collectie te beschermen tegen krassen. Een horloge box organisator antwoord op de eeuwenoude vraag: Hoe ziet u uw horloges op te slaan?

3. Een horloge Repair Kit. Eindelijk een horloge reparatiekit is handig voor het wijzigen horloge armbanden, ter vervanging van horlogebandjes, of het wijzigen van batterijen. Er zijn vele soorten, maar als je niet van plan om een ​​horloge-school in Zwitserland, zal bijna elke keuze te doen. bekijk meer horloge replica en Rolex Air King


Relógio Suunto Core Light Green.

Se você está precisando de um relógio inovador e com uma Tecnologia mega avançada, o relógio Suunto Core Lichtgroen pode ser uma ótima escolha. Ele é um relógio masculino, que Possui: movimento digitaal, facilitando que o usuario verifique als horas, Bússola digitaal, rumo e calibração fácil, o que belemmeren você de se perder geen caso de uma Trilha na floresta, ou um passeio em um lokale desconhecido . Além disso, o relógio Possui: Barometro com uma verdadeira estação meteorológica, que oferece alarme de Mudanças bruscas geen tempo, termómetro, cronometro, Calendário, alarme e é Resistência een agua até 30m. Relogio
Seu sistema de Energia funciona een bateria, sua estrutura é Feita de plástico altamente resistente, sua pulseira é de borracha, proporcionando maciez e conforto geen contato com a pele, vizier LCD e tem garantia de 2 anos! Não é demais, pessoal?
Desde 1936 een Suunto está geen mercado, proporcionando relógios de qualidade e de Confiança para seus Consumidores en een Watch System você encontra o relógio Suunto Core Lichtgroen e vários outro modelos dessa incrível Marca, além de ter um desconto de 15% een vista, podendo ambém parcelar em ate 12x geen cartão se voor necessário. Quer uma noticia melhor? O FRETE é GRATIS! Een Watch System é uma revenda autorizada da marca originele Suunto no Brasil e em caso de defeitos ou problemas, você tem todo direito à Assistência técnica. Viste een Watch System e f Aca sua compr een com segurança!
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Kijk Replay Tijd: jonge en aantrekkelijke horloges

Horloge Replay Time Na zijn debuut op Baselworld 2008 hadden wij in Italië de nieuwe horloges merk collecties Replay .
De casual stijl voor jeans en shirts onderscheidt het huis van Casella d'Asolo, in de provincie Treviso, in 1978 opgericht door Claudio Buziol als een tak van de Fashion Box. In de jaren 90 de eerste uitstapjes buiten de traditionele productie: kinderkleding, ondergoed, brillen en parfums, en vervolgens in 2008 ook de klokken.
Replay, reaply & Sons, Wij zijn Replay merken die nu deel uitmaken van Replay werkelijkheid, met de toevoeging van Replay Tijd: horloges worden gekenmerkt door een jonge design dat de kledingstijl weerspiegelen, waarbij sportiviteit en casual ze trouwen in dwingende voorstellen en vol frisheid. De eerste horloges Replay collecties bieden een sobere sportiviteit verbonden met de wereld van de vier wielen: Torpedo Coupe, Speed ​​... namen die de snelheid en de passie voor auto's op te roepen hebben, horloges alleen de tijd of chronografen gewijd aan het universum jonge man het dragen van de kleding Replay en dat de pols niet verzaken aan hun casual en jeugdige geest uit te drukken.
Replay sport horloges collecties zijn geopenbaard in het ontwerp, zonder het opgeven van een bepaalde capaciteit voor innovatie in de formulieren, en het presenteren van contrasterende kleuren doorgaans geassocieerd met de wereld van de actieve stijl, zwart / rood, zwart / oranje, maar er zijn voorstellen waarin ze willen sommige details suggereren aandacht voor detail dat het merk geeft niet op, zelfs in de kleding.
Casual mode, comfortabel, jong en sportief: de Replay stijl nu ook in reaply Time horloges. bekijk meer Zwitserse Rolex en Breitling


Orologio Olimpico Door Brera Orologi

l conto alla rovescia per le Olimpiadi di Londen è ormai iniziato.
E komen tenerlo al meglio se non con un orologio? Per l'occasione, Brera Orologi ha reso ancora più Actueel ed estivo il suo modello Eterno Solotempo proponendolo con cinturino e Indici coordinati nelle diverse colorazioni dei Cerchi Olimpici. In questo modo sarà possibile indossare ad ogni gara un orologio diverso ma sempre ispirato allo spirito olimpico e al suo simbolo universale.
Orologi Olimpiadi
Adatto sia per lui che per lei, Eterno Solotempo è un orologio di Prestigio che non rinuncia alla Seduzione estetica dello stile italiano, classico ma allo stesso tempo informale. Il diametro, in acciaio spazzolato o acciaio Nero con trattamento IP, è di 45 mm, e può essere indossato anche sui Polsi più piccoli, mantenendo intatto lo stile sobrio ed elegante. Quadrante con Indici tridimensionali, datario een erts 3, Movimento MIYOTA Quarzo 23,15.
Eterno Solotempo ha anche la possibilità di sostituzione rapida del cinturino, Perciò beëindigen le Olimpiadi, via libera al mix & match: cambiando il cinturino in gomma si otterrà ogni volta un coloratissimo orologio estivbekijk meer Zwitserse replica en Chopard Ladies Classic


Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance

Classe, forza e raffinatezza.
Sono le caratteristiche principali della persona che sceglie di indossare un Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance ; ma sono anche le peculiarità stesse di questo meraviglioso e potente accessorio da polso.
Kom per osmosi, le qualità di uno si riversano nell'altro, e Citizen diventa parte del Suo Portatore, un emblema della sua persona, un simbolo che lo rende protagonista.
Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance
Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance
Il primo Filone da ammirare nella nuova collezione del Colosso mondiale dell'orologeria è esterno, legato ai materiali da cui è costituito ogni modello della Citizen H800 Elegance: su tutti spicca il Super Titaan, un materiale così tecnologico da rimandare alle navicelle spaziali: è in grado di rendere indistruttibile il nostro orologio, ma al tempo stesso leggero komen una piuma, e senza togliere nulla, al contempo, al conferimento di un aspetto classico e senza tempo del horloge.
Impossibile, poi, non soffermarsi sul vetro zaffiro, il Sigillo perfetto, antiriflesso e antigraffio, che racchiude sia il bellissimo Quadrante che il Super Titanium della cassa.
Il secondo Filone sul quale incantarsi riguarda invece le numerose funzioni e le caratteristiche TECNOLOGICHE.
In primis, ogni Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance è Radiocontrollato: ogni orologio riceve il segnale orario generators da un orologio Atomico e trasmesso per mezzo di onde radio.
Orologio Citizen AT8130-56E H800 Elegance Titanio
Orologio Citizen AT8130-56E H800 Elegance Titanio
Il risultato è la precisione assoluta, con una tolleranza di 1 secondo ogni 10 milioni di anni. Sì, esatto Let: 1 secondo ogni 10 milioni di anni. Praticamente, la Perfezione.
Poi, komen per le Scorse Collezioni, Anche l ' Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance è dotato della tecnologia Eco-Drive: questa ha costituito una delle Grandi sfide del merk e una grande Vittoria contro l'inquinamento dell'Ambiente.
Il Colosso dell'orologeria ha lavorato decenni per sviluppare una Tecnologia che il garantisse costante funzionamento dell'orologio, in qualsiasi parte al Mondo.
Finalmente, nel 1976 Citizen ha inventato il primo orologio analógico al Quarzo alimentato een luce che funziona utilizzando esclusivamente la luce komen fonte d'Energia.
Orologio Citizen AT8130-56L H800 Elegance Titanio
Orologio Citizen AT8130-56L H800 Elegance Titanio
Questa Tecnologia, di cui Orologi Citizen è stato il precursore, è conosciuta ora con il nome di Eco-Drive, e può generare Energia da qualsiasi sorgente di luce: artificiale, naturale e persino da una pallida Fonte di luce fioca, per continuare een ver funzionare gli orologi senza mai sostituire la batteria.
Un grande obiettivo raggiunto, sia per la salute dell'Ambiente che per la comodità di non restare mai con l'orologio scarico.
Ma l'Orologio Citizen H800 Elegance ha tante altre funzioni e caratteristiche: l'impermeabilità fino a 10 Bar lo rende perfetto per affrontare sfide che non sono alla portata di tutti; il calendario perpetuo consente di sapere qualsiasi data, Anche lontana secoli; il cronografo een 1/20 di secondo accompagna Atleti e sportivi con altissime prestazioni.
E, non da ultimo: c'è la bellezza: i modelli della nuova collezione Citizen sono di una bellezza straordinaria, con i Loro 44 mm di diametro della Cassa e il peso di 88 grammi, la lucentezza del Titanium, La Scala Cromatica dei quadranti , I Colori forti che li contraddistinguono e il contrasto che creano con le Lancette.
Citizen H800 Elegance è un gioiello speciale, meraviglioso e perfetto sotto ogni punto di vista: regala forza e unicità al Suo Portatore, e lo accompagna in mille sfide ed Avventure, da quelle quotidiane een quelle di Altissimo livello agonistico.
Una meraviglia che guarda al futuro senza dimenticare il passato, che Mixa in una fusie unica classicità e Futurismo, classe e raffinatezza,Potenza e forza. Da mettere subito nella wi bekijk meer horloge replicas en Breitling Bentley


De Omega De Ville Range - Under-rated & Goedkoop

Ik ben een sucker voor de Omega De Ville bereik, wat goed nieuws is als het lijkt dat van alle Omega lijnen zijn zij degene is die de meeste devalueren. U kunt kiezen uit een aantal vrij recente modellen in een knipsel en de vintage die voor een eerlijke prijs.
Dit is mijn Lounge Lizard De Ville, massief 18kt Gold ...... als je een man het dragen van een van deze proberen en hem niet alleen te laten met je vrouw te lang, zal hij een schurk te zijn 😉

Omega De Ville
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Omega De Ville 18 karaat goud
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Oyster Upgrade

Een manier om een ​​goed horloge in een grote horloge te maken is om de armband te upgraden. Een horloge Ik hou echt van mijn Seiko Pepsi. Het is één van de eerste horloges ik kocht en ziet er geweldig op de pols. Het nadeel is dat kwam vrij dun gevouwen schakelarmband. Het ziet er goed, met een geborsteld top en gepolijste zijkanten, maar het rammelt, piept, en soms trekt haren. Het is ook een complete beer om extra links eruit te halen. Schande, echt, de werkelijke horloge is vrij fantastisch.
In de afgelopen jaren zijn deze dit horloge vooral op leer of de NAVO bandjes gehad, maar om de oorspronkelijke Submariner feel to it, het horloge verdient een zware, kwaliteit armband. Dus besloot ik op een "oester" style armband. Dit overeenkomt met wat kwam oorspronkelijk op het horloge, en nauw bootst de moderne armbanden gebruikt op Rolex submariners. Voor een niet horloge verzamelaar, de besteding van $ 40 tot $ 50 op een armband lijkt gek, maar als het is slechts een fractie van de prijs van een nieuwe, kwaliteit kijken, het is het waard. Om het allemaal in perspectief te zetten, een enkele link op een solide gouden horloge kost meer dan $ 250!
Aanbrengen van de armband veranderde de hele sfeer van het horloge. Van te zwaar op het horloge, om goed in balans. Het piept en rammelt ging weg, en de hele horloge heeft nu een zeer solide, dure feel to it. De hele armband is geborsteld, maar dat is oke in mijn mening. Het is gemakkelijk re-size en beweegt goed met mijn pols. De enige compromis ik moest maken was is dat ik moest het oorspronkelijke einde links die met het horloge is geleverd, degenen die werden opgenomen waren bestemd voor horloges Seiko SKX echte duiker, niet van deze duiker stijl, SKA.
De deployant is drukknop met veiligheidssluiting. De armband heeft 3 bijstelgaten. De algehele pasvorm en afwerking zijn zeer goed en echt een gewoon horloge veranderen in een geweldige horloge. Ik wens het einde banden waren solide, maar voor de prijs, het was perfect aanvaardbaar. De mogelijkheid om een ​​armband te upgraden is geenszins beperkt tot horloges duiker, dan kun je net zo goed te werken een jurk horloge is een solide armband of fijn leder, of neem een ​​ongedwongen horloge en maken het chic. Probeer het maar als je wilt om wat geld te besparen, maar willen een geheel nieuwe look. Bekijk meer Zwitserse replica en breitling cosmonaute replica


Fossil Machine

This week I'm wearing an unusual model from Fossil – the Black Fossil Machine Chronograph Alarm FS4682. And no it's not a military watch though it does look like one, as it has that black dark stealthy look about it that says it's maybe not a dress watch – or is it? The feature that attracted me was actually the Analogue/Digital display, which for those regular readers should know by now is a format that I particularly like.
Fossil Machine Black Alarm FS4682 Ana/Digi Watch
Fossil Machine Black Alarm FS4682 Ana/Digi Watch
It's one of those watches that draws comment if seen by friends and I have to admit I like wearing it.
One of the unusual and fascinating aspects of this model is it's large digital display, which features a “permanent” green luminescent Matrix display in addition to analogue hands. The display actually reminds me of my Breitling Aerospace in that it has a luminescence that tends to pick up or reflect any ambient light and is visible in most day situations.
45mm diameter but only 13mm depth - means a neat fit.
45mm diameter but only 13mm depth – means a neat fit.
I had some concerns at the time that 45 mm diameter could be too large for me, but owing to it's relatively small depth at 13mm, it actually fits my 170mm wrist very well indeed. It sits flat against the wrist and easily slips under a shirt cuff and it's very comfortable with the extremely flexible rubber strap and flush fitting black stainless buckle. The case is black Ion Plated solid Stainless Steel with a wide matte black heavily knurled bezel and a flat non-reflective crystal. The black case body (only noticeable at the sides) has a gentle gloss though the lugs are a brushed matte finish.
Military look Fossil
Military look Fossil
I already mentioned the strap and whilst it looks like “steel bracelet links” it's actually made of black rubber, the inner surface of which, against the wrist, is actually smooth and very comfortable with a conventional buckle which is rather neatly figured. It has a full screw back in mirror finish stainless steel with the Fossil logo, model number and a quoted Water Resistance of 5 atm or 50m.
On each side of the case are 4 x black textured push buttons that operate the digital functions and a large knurled center crown adjusts the analogue hands. Interesting to note the buttons are set slightly straight compared to the case shape and as a consequence are much easier to operate than most.
Fossil with flexible rubber strap & black IP steel case
Fossil with flexible rubber strap & black IP solid steel case
The watch face features conventional analogue hour and minute hands, which are quoted I recall by Fossil as “hi visibility” orange tipped and an orange center seconds hand. Now whilst these do show very well against the matte dial black background in good light, they are not quite so good in low light. The hour baton markers are silver colored.
Personally I would have preferred a white color for both the hour and minute hands and hour markers – from my experience so far, it would be clearer, certainly in low light. Note there are no luminous features on this watch at all – though this is not uncommon on ana/digi models.
The large digital Matrix display shows Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Day and Date and as independent of the analogue settings can be used as a 2nd Time zone if preferred. The display normally shows a slight luminescent green color and is quite clear to read in most daylight situations. It can also be back lit (EL) using the top left button B and changes to a blue color (see image below) for a few seconds for low light and night time use.
EL Back- light turns green to blue - quite effective for night use.
EL Back- light turns green to blue – quite effective for night use.
For me I might prefer it to be just a little brighter, but I wear glasses and am getting older – so perhaps this is more my problem!
The standard digital functions on this model are scrolled through using button A (lower left) and in order of – Time/Day/Date, Alarm and Stopwatch, then Time/calendar setting.
As the Date seems to set correctly for odd months it obviously is an auto-calendar, though I don't know the final date (perhaps 2099?). There is also a PM indicator on 12 hour format, but using button C (upper right) you can toggle either 12/24 hour time.
The Alarm function can be set for Alarm, Chime or both. The alarm sounds a double beep, though as these days I can't hear it so good, same for the hourly Chime, so I have to leave opinion to others – My wife always hears it!
The stopwatch has standard functions with stop/split (you can measure multiple split times) and reset, works great. This is is a digital stopwatch only – the hands are not involved.
As said when in normal Time/Day/Date view the button A (lower left) scrolls in sequence to Alarm and Stopwatch, then continues to Time setting and the Seconds flash. The setting sequence is Seconds, Hour, Minute, Month, Date and weekday. If you adjust with button C (upper right) it then progresses to Hours and so on – pretty normal stuff. It's quite logical and reasonably intuitive once you've tried it a few times. I would note that the standard Instruction booklet that's included does NOT actually cover this model, so there are no Digital settings instructions. You have to download a supplementary set for it – called Ana-Digi QFL133SB. I provide a link HERE .
This trend for NOT including specific model instructions with the watch I find quite annoying as not everyone has internet access.
Overall though this is a really smart looking watch with a surprisingly good digital display in reasonable light. It's slim enough to fit most wrist sizes and very OK as a dress watch. If you like the “military” look then it's OK for that too, with the IP black stainless steel case and black rubber strap (note- the strap is 24mm wide with quick release bars at lugs). The build quality too is pretty good, dial, hands and case and the Matrix display a bit of a revelation and it's available at a reasonable cost.
Any downsides?
Well for me maybe the loss of analog clarity in low light which could be better. Also the lack of a model specific instructions with the watch is disappointing. Also note this model has 3 batteries! and it would be useful to have instructions as to which powers what, to enable changing when required.
Overall: – an excellent watch for the money and I'm very pleased with it.
I'm not too familiar with the Fossil name, though not just a fashion company it seems. They have quite a history of watch acquisition and now manufacture in their own right apparently. They both import and manufacture in Switzerland and China and distribute in USA, Germany and Asia. In 2012 they bought the well known company Skagen and in 2013 started an upscale Swiss range – Fossil Twist which they both design and make. Some other brands are associated with them such as Adidas.
How to display, two different ways.
How to display, two different ways.
My last image shows it with the Timex Expedition just as a comparison. Two totally different displays, yet both looking good.
Note 1 – You can see a range of Fossil watches available in the UK – HERE
Note 2   This model comes with 3 batteries . As shown in the image – the 1st (recessed) is for the analog time, the 2nd (bottom) is the Digital movement and the 3rd to the left is for the EL back light. Remember the analog and digital are independent of each other (hence the Dual Time function).
Note 3 – This model comes with a standard 2 years Warranty. However more importantly there is also a Lifetime (limited) Warranty on the movement, hands and dial and if sent for repairs here in the UK, Fossil will require a copy of the proof of purchase or stamped and dated warranty.
Addendum – unfortunately the Ana/Digi model FS4682 is no longer available, which is a pity as it is one of the best Fossil models I've come across in a long time.
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Cupid is On Time Thanks to 300 Watches and Discount Watches Online

ouis CK and Gene Kelly have one trait — and only one — in common. Seamless romance, like comedy, is all about timing. This Valentine's Day, when you and your dearest exchange devotions, mark the occasion with an exchange of watches.

At first, the idea of giving a watch for Valentine's Day may seem unconventional. Granted, watches are well established as a premium gift for graduations and retirements. However, the notion of a Valentine's Day gift watch becomes completely natural when timing, occasion, and reciprocity come into play.

Let's unpack this idea. Timing and occasion are complimentary. The occasion sets the mood, and the timing ensures the effect.

Timing the delivery is key.

Choose the right moment. The exchange of gifts often coincides with a memorable time in your Valentine's Day revelries. Rarely are gifts given as an afterthought between walking the dog and binning the trash.

No, gifts are given at the conclusion of a romantic dinner, upon delivery of breakfast in bed, or prior to a marquee engagement such as a play or a film. Having chosen the time, make it an occasion. Time is but a series of discrete moments in a continuum, and only with the injection of inspiration does a moment become an occasion.

Exchange watches at the defining moment of your holiday, whether in the glow of candlelight over a Michelin-blessed dinner, or on vacation, far removed from the winter chill. The moment will pass, as moments must, but the watches will endure as mementos of the occasion.

Reciprocity is key. Giving “his-and-hers” watches is the ultimate sign of commitment. Exchanging watches says, “You and I will always have time for each other.” The gesture communicates a vow of evergreen love that transcends the holiday.

There's no called-foul for dropping hints ahead of time, and selecting watches together is a bonding experience that crystalizes the meaning and cements your memory of the gift. Browsing 300watches' searchable catalogue of discount watches online allows you and your amore to share the excitement of discovery and ensure each receives exactly the right gift on Saint V's big day.

For vacationing couples, 300watches ships globally with expedited and insured delivery.

Let 300watches' unparalleled selection of timepieces provide all the arrows in Cupid's quiver. With an inventory of hundreds of discount watches online and suitable models for both men and women, 300watches removes the legwork and guesswork from the shopping process.Bekijk meer horloge replicas en breitling longitude replica


The Do's The Do's and Don't's of Collecting High-End Watches and Don't's of Collecting High-End Watches

Expensive watches seem like a highly effective way of disposing of wealth. But smart collectors can profit from the rising values of vintage collectible diesel watches – as long as they follow certain rules.
Gordon Bethune is one of the most prominent – and best regarded – watch collectors in America. The former CEO of Continental Airlines, Bethune is selling 50 of his prized watches at auction at Christie's on Friday. The pieces could fetch more than $3 million, with one watch alone selling for up to $1 million or more.
Bethune declines to talk about the appreciation of specific watches. But many of them rose so much in value in recent years that he had to start keeping them in a safe deposit box. In fact, one of the main reasons he's selling them is because they became too valuable to wear.
"I enjoyed them when I bought them 20 years ago and right now the money's just sitting there," he said. "They're sitting in safe deposit boxes. They're wonderful, but you don't wear them because they cost too much money. I want to put the money to use. If I'm not going to wear them, let somebody else wear them and [I'll] do something else with the money."
Vintage watches have soared in value over the past decade, as the wealthy put more money into collectibles. Auction houses now sell more than $100 million worth of watches a year, and the numbers are growing in the double digits.
Bethune's collection includes pieces from Rolex, Cartier, Patek Philippe and other top names – mainly from the 1930s, '40s and '50s. Many have unusual features, like rectangular faces or rare materials. The centerpiece of his collection being sold is a 1945 Patek Philippe Reference 1518 in 18k pink gold. The estimate is between $600,000 and $900,000, though interest has been so strong that it could break $1 million.
Bethune said that investing in vintage, collectible watches is filled with risks. The market is filled with fake watches, as well as false claims that certain watches will appreciate. But he said you don't have to be rich to be a good watch collector – as long as you follow a few basic rules.
"There's some great watches for $1,500 bucks," he said. "Or you can spend $1,500 bucks and get nothing at a retail store downtown."
He said that one important rule is to stick with the blue-chip names, like Rolex, Patek or Cartier. People should buy from the used market – usually at trade shows or auctions. And he said collectors should pay an expert for advice, given the number of fakes and over-priced models.
"The substitute for knowledge is money," he said. "So pay someone who knows what he's doing to help you. Otherwise you pay too much."
He said the wealthy who spend six-figure sums on watches have a particular passion.
"Watches are the only jewelry men can wear, unless you're Mr. T," he said. "It's functional, it's a work of art, decorative art actually. They're not just mechanical things. And they're actually reliable, dependable. You can count on them to tell you what time it is."
Of course, a $19 Timex can tell time. But the art – and appreciation – comes at a much higher price.
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